Material Design on Chrome sucks and is harder to read


  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Incognito is in black with black tabs

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    The address bar has a size 6 font, it's absurd
  • To each their own. I've found that I prefer Chrome's interface after it went Material over how it was before, and having a consistent aesthetic across Google products is genuinely satisfying in a way I wasn't expecting it to be. (I need them to give us a way to switch back to the legacy interface for Play Music, though, I'm not liking the emphasis on Songza's radio things because I never use them.)

    I've stopped using Chrome on my Mac and never used it as a primary browser on my iPad because Safari is more optimized for the hardware on both so it has a home field advantage Chrome lacks, but on PC I still feel like it's the best browser out there (with reservations involving the analytics and stuff, of course, but it comes with the territory and I'm too lazy to try to switch to Chromium and manually start managing my bookmarks on each platform I use).
  • BeeBee
    edited 2016-12-17 05:56:09
    Odradek said:

    The address bar has a size 6 font, it's absurd

    This one at least is probably because they expect a zoomed DPI or something.  Windows 10 tries to subtly default weird resolution + zoom for some goddamn reason, and Chrome recently had some updates to try and bake the desktop's display settings into rendering.  It's had...mixed results (I had to fix UI glitches it caused in our software going back two years and several major releases).
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