You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
This is now the Kickstarter Nonstarter thread, because I'm the Princess and I said so.
This is fucking hilarious, and it only gets better.
You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
This is amazing
You can get MicroUSB cables at fucking Dollar Tree
You could get 20 goddamn normal cables for the price of this one
You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
So, this Android phone tacked onto an iPhone case, so you can stick a second phone on your phone??
I normally view a lot of these Kickstarter projects as novel and creative though not necessarily particularly useful ideas, and I think it's fair game that they throw up their idea onto the internet to see how much interest people have in them. Sure, other people such as Slowbeef and Diabeetus might rag on it, but let them have their fun too I guess.
However, this particular one is has a specific extra problem. The device being sold (for anyone who doesn't want to watch the video, and I don't blame you for not wanting to because, despite being just a few minutes long, it's sorta useless) is basically a parental control device to limit children's access to video games by limiting their physical access to devices/accessories such as controllers, tablets, and handhelds. Slowbeef and Diabeetus spend most of the video making fun of how many ways this is being oversold and could go wrong, but...the problem I'm talking about isn't even directly mentioned in the video.
You see, the problem is...for $5000, you get a GameNannyBox...and a vacation for two to Vieques, Puerto Rico.
This doesn't seem like a problem at first. You get a GNB, which they plan on selling for only about $200, plus a big extra bonus for being a major backer. However...
If you thought that the GNB could lead to a problem of parents trying to use this to substitute for parenting effort, well, enjoy being duly mortified that this incentive reward SPECIFICALLY rewards absentee parenting.
Not a vacation for your whole family to Vieques while the GNB which is provided in your hotel room forces kids to actually play outdoors with you and enjoy Vieques National Wildlife Refuge and the Bioluminescent Bay, no.
A vacation for just the two of you, to get away from it all, while your kids are stuck at home, at first trying to get their games out of the GNB, and then either simply not returning the items or conveniently smashing it with a hammer or other blunt object and then resuming their gaming in spades because you're not there to actually do anything more interesting with their lives.
This simple game comes with an arcane and lengthy series of rules.
I can suggest an improvement: 1. Give everyone a giant bucket of colored balls or colored beanbags or whatever. 2. Let people throw these balls/beanbags/etc. back at each other. 3. Simply give people a free-for-all until time is up. Call time in, say, 5 minutes.
Now you don't even need to have exactly four sets of rings, nor even four rings per set. You can simply have any number of rings, or even any arrangement of "territory", and any number of players. And let them just run around the field dumping their beanbags into each others' territory and then attempting to scoop up beanbags en masse and throwing them into others' territory and so on.
Now, whoever wins territory is based on whoever has the most beanbags in any particular piece of territory. Then the next round starts with a new distribution of territory based on the results of the previous round, but everyone also having the same number of beanbags unless they're too tired.
KSNS? Pointless? I disagree. The point is humor. :v
Well, yeah, of course, but they're pointless when I'm trying to provide a specific idea for improving an idea, especially one that the KSNS video didn't cover or only barely covered.
Basically I had comments on the Kickstarters these guys have talked about in videos, specifically comments that go beyond what's covered in the videos. When commenting on the GameNannyBox, I had originally posted their video, then I had to post the campaign page to show more conveniently (and also prove, incidentally) that it really does say "for two", so I suddenly realized, I didn't even need to include their video to get my point across. So when commenting on the Defend-It game, I just didn't bother posting a video, and left a brief comment explaining why I didn't even bother posting a video but just went straight to posting the Kickstarter campaign page itself. I mean, the thread title literally says "kickstarter nonstarter" so it felt a bit odd to not even post the KSNS video, hence the need for the comment.
My comment was that it was kinda pointless when I just wanted to comment specifically on the Kickstarter, but I simply said it's "pointless", so TitleName was just being a bit of a smart-aleck in pointing out that there is a point, that being humor.
You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
See, the thing's a little weird to come into a thread about the Kickstarter Nonstarter videos and then talk about other things to the exclusion of the videos themselves.
apparently somewhat unpopular opinion: the Kickstarter Nonstarters and other recent-ish (last several+ years) Retsupurae content are much better than their old videos, which have aged poorly and basically come across as being very mean without being funny.
See, the thing's a little weird to come into a thread about the Kickstarter Nonstarter videos and then talk about other things to the exclusion of the videos themselves.
...except that I was posting about the very subjects of two of those videos?
I mean, the whole ponit of KSNS videos is to point out the flaws of various Kickstarter campaigns, and I'm literally doing the same.
apparently somewhat unpopular opinion: the Kickstarter Nonstarters and other recent-ish (last several+ years) Retsupurae content are much better than their old videos, which have aged poorly and basically come across as being very mean without being funny.
well i know it's not like youtube comments mean anything but like, even now, many years after they've stopped doing that stuff there are still always a bunch of people commenting on their videos saying they should go back to doing those videos etc.
I think the story is it originally was Retsupurei or similar at one point very early on, but that channel got deleted so they recreated it as Retsupurae and then that's the one that stuck and they never changed it.
See, the thing's a little weird to come into a thread about the Kickstarter Nonstarter videos and then talk about other things to the exclusion of the videos themselves.
...except that I was posting about the very subjects of two of those videos?
I mean, the whole ponit of KSNS videos is to point out the flaws of various Kickstarter campaigns, and I'm literally doing the same.
the point of ksns videos is comedy. the flaws in the kickstarters have a distinct habit of being self evident.
See, the thing's a little weird to come into a thread about the Kickstarter Nonstarter videos and then talk about other things to the exclusion of the videos themselves.
...except that I was posting about the very subjects of two of those videos?
I mean, the whole ponit of KSNS videos is to point out the flaws of various Kickstarter campaigns, and I'm literally doing the same.
the point of ksns videos is comedy. the flaws in the kickstarters have a distinct habit of being self evident.
oh come on
yes, the point of ksns videos is comedy by way of pointing out the flaws of kickstarter campaigns
See, the thing's a little weird to come into a thread about the Kickstarter Nonstarter videos and then talk about other things to the exclusion of the videos themselves.
Yeah, sorry I did that in my very first post in this thread where I just sorta played with the sounds of the words "kickstarter" and "nonstarter".
For this more recent post though, I mean, I could post the video instead of posting the link, but...does that really change things? Here's the video if anyone cares:
They DO complain about how arcane the rules are, though my suggestion for a change is my own, if I recall correctly (I don't remember them mentioning the variant I proposed but maybe I missed it?).
(that said it's not like "Kickstarter Nonstarter" is a trademarked term and fwiw the thread title is in lowercase anyway)
y'know i actually WILL rant about the KSNS videos now since i do have a few thoughts on them at this moment
they do have a good number of pretty darn legit and on-point criticisms of things
but then sometimes their criticisms are just "hurr durr let's make fun of this because we can" e.g. making fun of names or of people trying to write in-character or such (actually kinda similar to my criticism of some older retsupurae videos tbh)
now you're probably going to say 've already said "the point is humor"
maybe it's that i'm wanting to see them as delivering entertainment by being meaningfully relevant instead of simply poking cheap fun at things, and actually want them to present interesting, informative arguments about why stuff doesn't work -- which they sometimes do
as opposed to convenient cheap shots which don't really add anything other than go to the point of "the presentation is unconvincing"
see sometimes the "cringe" is self-evident but merely that feeling of disgust or off-puttingness by itself is not something i consider to be convincing in making a value judgement on something, so i prefer someone actually layout a reasonably airtight case in order to smack something around
anyway that's my criticism of this
yes i'm probably beating a dead horse in this thread by the tone that i'm using and by the fact that it's kinda inevitably tied with the earlier chilly reception that i got, and i'm probably making the thread socially awkward, but screw it, i just want to put out my frank and honest opinion on something, and i'll be darned if anyone can find this offensive
aside from the "this thread was fun and amusing and now you've ruined the mood" fine, yeah, sorry, i'm ruining the mood, though it was already kinda ruined from earlier
You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
This ticks, like, all the boxes of a bad Kickstarter.
☑️ Video that doesn't adequately explain what the product is or how to use it
☑️ Creepy as hell 3D animation
☑️ Solution for an already-solved problem
☑️ Less practical than existing solutions
☑️ Controlled by a smartphone app for no apparent reason
As pointed out in the comments for the video, they used the preview version of the background music instead of actually paying for it, and you can hear the watermark thing at 1:09. It's very good.
You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
Oh my god
I grant them two more checkmarks just for that. ☑️☑️
You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
To quote one of retsupurae's previous videos: "There's a lot of things that could go wrong here, besides the fact that it can't actually go right."
They recorded this before the Kickstarter was suspended, so they didn't touch on one of the funniest things about it: the project creators blatantly lying about it. They claim they suspended the campaign themselves to rush the product into production, when the reality is that Kickstarter staff suspended the campaign after they failed to deliver a working prototype.
You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
Remember this one?
Just out of curiosity, I decided to check the guy's Kickstarter page to see if he'd done anything since, and...he has.
However, this particular one is has a specific extra problem. The device being sold (for anyone who doesn't want to watch the video, and I don't blame you for not wanting to because, despite being just a few minutes long, it's sorta useless) is basically a parental control device to limit children's access to video games by limiting their physical access to devices/accessories such as controllers, tablets, and handhelds. Slowbeef and Diabeetus spend most of the video making fun of how many ways this is being oversold and could go wrong, but...the problem I'm talking about isn't even directly mentioned in the video.
You see, the problem is...for $5000, you get a GameNannyBox...and a vacation for two to Vieques, Puerto Rico.
This doesn't seem like a problem at first. You get a GNB, which they plan on selling for only about $200, plus a big extra bonus for being a major backer. However...
> for two
(reference: )
If you thought that the GNB could lead to a problem of parents trying to use this to substitute for parenting effort, well, enjoy being duly mortified that this incentive reward SPECIFICALLY rewards absentee parenting.
Not a vacation for your whole family to Vieques while the GNB which is provided in your hotel room forces kids to actually play outdoors with you and enjoy Vieques National Wildlife Refuge and the Bioluminescent Bay, no.
A vacation for just the two of you, to get away from it all, while your kids are stuck at home, at first trying to get their games out of the GNB, and then either simply not returning the items or conveniently smashing it with a hammer or other blunt object and then resuming their gaming in spades because you're not there to actually do anything more interesting with their lives.
This simple game comes with an arcane and lengthy series of rules.
I can suggest an improvement:
1. Give everyone a giant bucket of colored balls or colored beanbags or whatever.
2. Let people throw these balls/beanbags/etc. back at each other.
3. Simply give people a free-for-all until time is up. Call time in, say, 5 minutes.
Now you don't even need to have exactly four sets of rings, nor even four rings per set. You can simply have any number of rings, or even any arrangement of "territory", and any number of players. And let them just run around the field dumping their beanbags into each others' territory and then attempting to scoop up beanbags en masse and throwing them into others' territory and so on.
Now, whoever wins territory is based on whoever has the most beanbags in any particular piece of territory. Then the next round starts with a new distribution of territory based on the results of the previous round, but everyone also having the same number of beanbags unless they're too tired.
Repeat until everyone's too tired.
My comment was that it was kinda pointless when I just wanted to comment specifically on the Kickstarter, but I simply said it's "pointless", so TitleName was just being a bit of a smart-aleck in pointing out that there is a point, that being humor.
I mean, the whole ponit of KSNS videos is to point out the flaws of various Kickstarter campaigns, and I'm literally doing the same.

B̤̺͍̰͕̺̠̕u҉̖͙̝̮͕̲ͅm̟̼̦̠̹̙p͡s̹͖ ̻T́h̗̫͈̙̩r̮e̴̩̺̖̠̭̜ͅa̛̪̟͍̣͎͖̺d͉̦͠s͕̞͚̲͍ ̲̬̹̤Y̻̤̱o̭͠u̥͉̥̜͡ ̴̥̪D̳̲̳̤o̴͙̘͓̤̟̗͇n̰̗̞̼̳͙͖͢'҉͖t̳͓̣͍̗̰ ͉W̝̳͓̼͜a̗͉̳͖̘̮n͕ͅt͚̟͚ ̸̺T̜̖̖̺͎̱ͅo̭̪̰̼̥̜ ̼͍̟̝R̝̹̮̭ͅͅe̡̗͇a͍̘̤͉͘d̼̜ 

yes, the point of ksns videos is comedy by way of pointing out the flaws of kickstarter campaigns
i don't see...
oh screw this i don't even know what y'all want
For this more recent post though, I mean, I could post the video instead of posting the link, but...does that really change things? Here's the video if anyone cares:
They DO complain about how arcane the rules are, though my suggestion for a change is my own, if I recall correctly (I don't remember them mentioning the variant I proposed but maybe I missed it?).
(that said it's not like "Kickstarter Nonstarter" is a trademarked term and fwiw the thread title is in lowercase anyway)
they do have a good number of pretty darn legit and on-point criticisms of things
but then sometimes their criticisms are just "hurr durr let's make fun of this because we can"
e.g. making fun of names or of people trying to write in-character or such
(actually kinda similar to my criticism of some older retsupurae videos tbh)
now you're probably going to say 've already said "the point is humor"
maybe it's that i'm wanting to see them as delivering entertainment by being meaningfully relevant instead of simply poking cheap fun at things, and actually want them to present interesting, informative arguments about why stuff doesn't work -- which they sometimes do
as opposed to convenient cheap shots which don't really add anything other than go to the point of "the presentation is unconvincing"
see sometimes the "cringe" is self-evident but merely that feeling of disgust or off-puttingness by itself is not something i consider to be convincing in making a value judgement on something, so i prefer someone actually layout a reasonably airtight case in order to smack something around
anyway that's my criticism of this
yes i'm probably beating a dead horse in this thread by the tone that i'm using and by the fact that it's kinda inevitably tied with the earlier chilly reception that i got, and i'm probably making the thread socially awkward, but screw it, i just want to put out my frank and honest opinion on something, and i'll be darned if anyone can find this offensive
aside from the "this thread was fun and amusing and now you've ruined the mood"
fine, yeah, sorry, i'm ruining the mood, though it was already kinda ruined from earlier
Like a live bear or a rattlesnake