I have a complicated relationship with Family Guy

I enjoyed its earlier seasons greatly when I was younger, and I feel like Seth MacFarlane's pre-fame sensibility (that and what remains of it now) has influenced me in its own way, given that he and I are both Hanna-Barbera-loving manchildren (hell, he used to work there!), but I hate what the show has turned into and wonder if it was ever any good or if it just spoke to a version of myself that I have grown from being.


  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Well, why don't you try checking out episodes or parts of episodes from the period you most enjoyed, and then compare it to the other period which you dislike? With ample reading of how the staff and culture about it developed, of course. Quote-on-quote good or not good, I find the fact that it spoke to you on an emotional level to some degree a faiiiir bit more important, honestly; qualities can be debated in the broadest sense when working with media that involves loads of people, but like, that's not the individual takeaway, and to me working into the latter from the former is likely to be more helpful.

    Personally, I've never cared for Family Guy in the slightest. Even the best of its humor was not for me, and I'm not one for even more well-acclaimed or historically more impacting shows like The Simpsons, which I've seen episodes of and vaguely enjoyed the film for, though otherwise is forgettable to my tastes. Definitely relate enough to the sentiment though.
  • edited 2016-12-01 01:12:57
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    This is kinda tangential to the subject of the thread, but if you liked Albert Brooks in Drive and in The Simpsons Movie, then you might like the episodes he did voicework in, Crystal.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I saw that way back in probably middle school, so I can't really say how I felt about Brooks in The Simpsons Movie. Which on the whole I got the appeal of but felt underwhelming.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I don't think I ever really liked Family Guy that much
  • There's like, 20 or 30 bits--not whole episodes--from Family Guy that have held up really well.

    The rest is, you know, it exists.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I was thinking about FG because I was thinking of the giant squid bit from one episode
  • BeeBee
    edited 2016-12-01 05:56:26
    Jane said:

    There's like, 20 or 30 bits--not whole episodes--from Family Guy that have held up really well.

    The rest is, you know, it exists.
    This.  It seems to vacillate wildly between the occasional really awesome gag (most of the ones off the top of my head seem to involve Star Wars), and a lot of meh.
  • the one where he tries to think of an alias and sees in order: someone eating a pea, someone crying, and a griffin, is fantastic.
  • I liked some of early Family Guy when it wasn't Seth MacFarlane soapboxing about his incredibly tedious American liberal values.
  • ^ That too.

    The Tetris gag was great.
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