the worst thread I'm ever going to make

(*extremely Leftist voice*) umm, actually, if you look in the dictionary, censorship is specifically carried out by the government.


  • My dreams exceed my real life
    You know I have heard people make this argument and about half of them are horrible people

    Half of them aren't though

    So really it's a wash
  • I mean on the other end you have people who think that the government is trying to remove footage of that Green Day concert from a few days ago from the internet.
  • Jane said:

    You're right, this thread is terrible.

    petitioning the mods to make me Official Forum Nostradamus
  • I do find this argument slightly uncomfortable but given it's usually a response to "internet forums banning trolls violates the first amendment" I can't really be bothered to object.
  • Yeah literally the only context I've ever seen this in is people arguing that reddit is ruled by the US Constitution which lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  • Not sure how this has to do with leftism, or how leftism even has any sort of distinctive voice, but I've actually thought about this statement as it's come up in arguments regarding the content of videogames and other creative media some number of times.  Some people have claimed their tastes (or the intentions of creators of works they like) are being censored when any of the following happen:
    * Steam chooses not to sell a game on its store
    * someone is criticized for enjoying fanservice in an anime series
    * someone writes a blogpost or forum post saying there should be more female protagonists

    The third one is basically never censorship at all.

    The second and the first one MIGHT be, if one uses a REALLY expansive and broad definition of "censorship".  But if one is doing that, what one really wants to say is "making something socially unacceptable" or "making something unacceptable in public".

    In other words, it's "you're making me feel unwelcome".

    The irony of this is that many of those people who opine this are complaining that those "SJWs" and "feminists" are oh-so-sensitive and oh-so-easily-offended by things that don't fit how they want to see the world...yet those anti-SJW people themselves are being oh-so-sensitive and oh-so-easily-offended that other people are saying opinions that they don't like.

    And especially if someone just says something like "I think there should be more female protagonists", if you spot someone losing their shit over that and complaining about how that person is a "SJW"/"feminist"/"leftist"/etc. who wants to "censor" things, kindly let them know that they're trying to censor the first person's opinion.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    There are, however, situations where an institution may be practising overreach in violation of the First Amendment, such as penalising an employee for participating in protests outside of the workplace or confiscating "banned" books on the premises, which while manifestly illegal in some instances is also a form of censorship. There's also the issue of television stations and networks self-censoring with respect to content and penalising violators of their arbitrary standards of decency to appease advertisers and obnoxious "think of the children!" activists.

    However, the context in which the retort is used is, indeed, usually to silence people who are self-evidently full of shit.
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