The upcoming AssCreed movie

It hasn't started to look like garbage yet, and I don't know where it gets off doing that.

It has no right to look like a legitimate movie that might be good, when we all know it's not


  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    It stars Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, and Jeremy Irons! How the fuck does it star them?!
  • Ubisoft bankrolled the fuck out of it instead of doing a major game this year, and I think they're trying to position it as a new start for their theatrical division

    Prince of Persia (which, while based on a Ubi property, wasn't produced by them) actually didn't do too badly at the box office (was the highest-grossing game adaptation until Warcraft bowed earlier this year) but A) critics hated it and B) nobody remembers it despite only having come out six years ago

    also they're doing adaptations of some of their other franchises; Rabbids, Watch_Dogs, Splinter Cell and The Division have all been confirmed, as has a theatrical sequel to AC
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Tiny said:

    Ubisoft bankrolled the fuck out of it instead of doing a major game this year, and I think they're trying to position it as a new start for their theatrical division

    That explains why they thought they should show it at a convention for video games. And they thought wrong.

    Honestly the last thing I saw of it was that trailer at that conference and it told me fuckall about the story. Not that I expect much of a story, considering I can narrate the plot beats of Assassins Creed games by heart, but still, that's a thing they should be showing.
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