People who think 3d Mario is worse than 2d Mario



  • Hard to put my finger on tbh
  • I only got really into The Simpsons as I got older.

    Granted I saw reruns of episodes that originally aired when I was an infant because for a long time the show was omnipresent in syndication (and it might still be: no TV so I don't really know).

    Now whether someone would want to watch enough Simpsons to be able to understand a joke predicated on knowing what Rabbi Krustofsky sounds like, that is a different question entirely.

    Also I've seen literally one episode of Spongebob in my entire life and still largely find memes of it at least amusing.
  • edited 2016-09-17 05:09:33
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i'm slightly confused because as i remember it Spongebob was mostly silly gags about Spongebob being annoying and Squidward being a stick in the mud, and slapstick humour

    whereas Steven Universe is notably dramatic, even in relation to most action series, in that it's heavy on the continuity and has a lot of focus on the lives of and relationships between the recurring characters, how they feel about themselves and understand their places in the world, etc.  This combined with a mix of comedy, action, horror and music.  Even if that doesn't do anything for you, surely it's not 'puzzling' that this would be popular?
  • Can we not do the thing where we don't allow someone to dislike something without them having to defend themselves at length.
  • edited 2016-09-17 05:19:40
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i'm not doing that thing.  i'm responding to
    Bee said:

    I'll admit the love for Steven Universe kind of puzzles me.  The show just irritates me for some reason in a lot of the same ways Spongebob did.  But people aren't obnoxious about it so...meh.

    Bee can dislike it, that's fine
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Also i mean i said 'i'm slightly confused', not 'how dare you'
  • i personally have a fair bundle of issues w/ the gay rock anime, and am fine with people not liking it

    i am a bit confused by the comparison though

    not that i said anything about it
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    it's far from being a perfect show
  • Yeah if someone just said they didn't like the show I wouldn't say anything, I just thought that spongebob in particular was a really weird thing to compare it to.
  • BeeBee
    edited 2016-09-17 06:16:03
    Yeah I don't understand that connection in my head either.  I guess it's like when you hear a song that reminds you of a different one even though they're really nothing alike.

    Alternative: Bee is a weirdo.
  • thats fairy nuff
  • edited 2016-09-17 06:57:47
    Anonus said:

    I can't tell how serious you're being right now

    i am not sure there is even one non-sarcastic post by odradek on the first page
  • edited 2016-09-17 07:03:45

    this is what it's like when people fill a thread with references to Homestuck or Steven Universe or something

    to me

    lol 40% of the threads around here are like this to me

    also spongebob's own jokes are silly in a stupid way but IMO it really shines as a YTP source because it goes from being nonsense slapstick of characters i don't know in a setting i don't care about, to breaking the shit out of the first, second, and third walls, and sometimes the fourth as well
    I was around when Simpsons first started, and Bartmania was in full effect. That was a weird time, since for a while me and my brothers weren't allowed to watch (since one of my younger brothers was apparently trying to imitate Bart).
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I still don't think anything in life should require knowing what Krusty's dad sounds like
  • what about knowing what Krusty's dad sounds like
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I looked him up and he was in all of one episode in the vaunted First Ten Seasons.

    Fuckin' Simpsonskids I swear to God
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Oh he sounds like a stereotypical rabbi

    That would have been easier to say, but SIMPSONSKIDS
  • what about knowing what Krusty's dad sounds like


    knowing what Krusty's dad sounds like may not require knowing what Krusty's dad sounds like

    because Krusty's dad sounds like Krusty's dad

    so therefore one can know that Krusty's dad sounds like Krusty's dad, which means one need not know what Krusty's dad sounds like

    unless Krusty's dad is treated as a person rather than an object, in which case we know who Krusty's dad sounds like, but not what
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    He's just Jackie Mason.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Yes but the cultural knowledge of Simpsonskids ends before the coming of their beloved pre-South Park
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    It ruined their ability to appreciate pre-Simpsons humor.

    The show has a lot to answer for
  • kill living beings
    lower east side of springfield, lol.
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