One of the most annoying of traffic annoyances

When you're at an intersection and it's set up like:


And the light is red but you can't turn right because there's one car in front of you who's not turning but just had to be in the right lane

So annoying

Stay in the other lane so I can turn on red please


  • BeeBee
    edited 2016-08-28 06:17:42
    I just saw someone get snapped by a red light cam on a green light while driving home tonight.  Fun times.

    I looked at the red light cam Q&A on the county courthouse site, and one of the questions is:

    Q: Are red light cameras just another way for the government to make money?
    A: No.  All traffic fines from red light cameras go into the Red Light Camera Program.

    Which is...kinda worse, because instead of a perverse incentive to write too many tickets (that at least go to the state who can do useful things with it for the common good), it just gets funneled right to Xerox or Redflex as profit.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    tbf this could mean there's pedestrians crossing in front of the car in front, but you can't see them, couldn't it?  or even a dog in the road or something like that

    i know this is such a European thing to say, but i feel like it'd be a lot less confusing if red just meant stop
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Tachyon said:

    tbf this could mean there's pedestrians crossing in front of the car in front, but you can't see them, couldn't it?  or even a dog in the road or something like that

    That's a possibility, yes, but I generally assume that if someone's not signalling right they intend to go straight ahead.

    As for red light cameras: my city suspended their program a couple years back when the state legislature passed a measure requiring a police officer to be present at a camera for its tickets to be considered valid.
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