Do you know all of your family members?


  • I never met my paternal grandfather, and the man who would be considered my grand stepfather (step grandfather?) left my grandma before I was born

    (she took him back when I was 16-ish, but he's senile now so I couldn't tell you what he was like at all besides "crusty and disobedient;" he's pretty much dead to my mom and I don't think very highly of him myself)

    otherwise, going back to my great grandparents I'm pretty sure I know everyone in my immediate family
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    My mother's father died before I was born. In terms of my more extended family, I think I met at least some of his family when I was very, very little, but I haven't seen either of my great-aunts, their husbands or any of their kids since then, which is a shame because my grandfather's younger sister is apparently an amazing woman. There's also my paternal great-great-uncle's branch of the family, who are mostly in Michigan, except for Arnold who is... some kind of doctor or dentist, who I might have met once but don't remember meeting.

    Otherwise, I have basically met everyone, including a number of relatives on my father's side whose exact relationship to me is a bit mysterious, aside from being—*most Jewish voice and hand gestures*—"cousins."
  • Nope, and it's partly my father's fault for coming from a family where he had four siblings. :p

    Anyway, all of them wound up getting married and having kids, giving me...I have to think about this hard since I don't see them very frequently at all with the last time being in 2014...yeah, ten cousins. Most of them have gotten hitched and started families.

    So I have a lot of relatives to keep track of. Add to that the fact that at least half of my family on my father's side are dyed in the wool Republicans whom I do not wish to associate with any more than absolutely necessary, which means I don't bother to follow them on social media or keep in close touch or anything, which in turn means that whenever one of them has a kid there's only a 50/50 chance at best I'll hear about it.
  • Not even close.

    Even just the comparatively small branch that shares my last name I don't know all of them.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    apparently I have a bunch of cousins and such on my mom's side I've never met.
  • Extended family-wise, I've met a lot of them but I'm pretty sure it's not possible for me to have met all of them given that my folks are split between New Jersey, North Carolina, England, Jamaica, and Barbados.

    I have met a good portion of them, though. The #tregoestolondon trips were both large family gatherings over there.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Barbados? Cool.
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