A conversation that must have happened

edited 2016-06-22 14:56:44 in General
Stephen Gammell: Hello? Caldecott award winning illustrator Stephen Gammell is speaking?

Josiah Abednego He-Knows-Where-They-Had-Trod-Earth's-Fields Marsh: Hello Stephen, it's Josiah Marsh from the Esoteric Order of Dagon. Look, I just got your illustrations for the new edition of the John Dee Necromicon, and I think we have a problem. I'm afraid the kind of illustrations you sent us weren't at all what we were expecting.

Stephen Gammell: Really? I thought I outdid myself. What seems to be the problem?

Josiah Abednego He-Knows-Where-They-Had-Trod-Earth's-Fields Marsh: It's the content, Stephen. There's artistic value here, but all the illustrations are far too tame, and don't seem to fit at all with the content of the work. I'm looking at it here and I see a friendly werewolf and a witch sharing recipes, and a cartoon ghost with a speech bubble saying "boo!". Now, I know you mostly work in children's literature, Stephen but we really thought...

Stephen Gammell: Oh god no! If those pictures are with you... no no no no no... the pictures for that scary stories series for kids... no...




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