tedious discussions about "game design ethics"


  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    there is good design and bad design; I'm not sure what ethics has to do with it.
  • game design ethics is "making your game too [put in something you don't like in a video game here] is morally wrong"
  • things I have seen involved in these sorts of discussions in the past few days alone:

    Overwatch, Stellaris, Dark Souls III, Hyperlight Drifter, DOOM 2016
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    escort missions are morally wrong, but otherwise this is crap.
  • Jane said:

    things I have seen involved in these sorts of discussions in the past few days alone:

    Overwatch, Stellaris, Dark Souls III, Hyperlight Drifter, DOOM 2016
    i think the problem is participating in fandom discussions of famous games

    srsly some days i think that fans have nothing better to do with their lives than to overthink about stuff and then wank about their overthinking on the internet

    ("famous games" only because they get more wankery going and more likely to have a critical mass to respond to said wankery and so on)
  • Hyperlight Drifter is not a "famous game", neither are Stellaris or Salt & Sanctuary.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    The other day, I saw soulsplayers whining about not being able to screw someone out of an ending and an entire questline via a bug in the way invasions work sometimes.

    Apparently this was cowtowing to entitled babies
  • kill living beings
    you know, i'm starting to think gamers have a nontraditional definition of "ethics"
  • you know, i'm starting to think gamers have a nontraditional definition of "ethics"

    ethics, here defined as like


    i don't even know how to complete that sentence
  • ethics here defined as "what I think it is morally right and wrong to put in a video game" which is fucking stupid because it's impossible to design a game mechanic that is morally wrong unless it, fucking, I don't know, like, you lose and then one of your relatives is beheaded or some shit.

    When you're getting to the point where you're saying things like "it should be a crime to make a game with checkpoints in 2016" and you're not even trying to be funny you need to stop, you need to go outside and just do something else with your life, you are too far down the path.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    you know, i'm starting to think gamers have a nontraditional definition of "ethics"

    ethics, here defined as like


    i don't even know how to complete that sentence

  • kill living beings
    any time you would describe something as "bad" you just say "unethical" instead

    hitler was unethical

    escort missions are unethical

    the eggs went unethical
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    remember that Michael Jackson song "Unethical"?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    remember that Michael Jackson song "Unethical"?

    That was an unethical joke but I laughed anyways.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • John Oswald's groundbreaking plunderphonics piece, Lacihtenu
  • Odradek said:


    this is going to make me sound like the hugest idiot in the universe

    and i want to clarify that usually when you post things like this, i have a good idea of what your opinions are on it

    but, i have no clue what level of seriousness this man is operating on, and i also don't know if you agree with him or not

    maybe this sore throat is a symptom of some brain eating disease
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    He is completely serious, and also he is an idiot and I hate him for writing the dumbest thing I have ever read.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    ngggggnnnnnnnnnnnnnngg  oooooooooooooooooooooongngngngg

    now you've read something dumber.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    No, that's just random keyboard typings.
  • ok

    i was confused because sometimes it kinda feels like a fair stab at bad pop-sci articles, but at other points i can't tell what's actually being aimed at, so i felt like i couldnt get a handle on what it was supposed to be making fun of exactly
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    eh, I tried.
  • Jane said:

    Hyperlight Drifter is not a "famous game", neither are Stellaris or Salt & Sanctuary.

    Hyperlight Drifter is a relatively high-profile indie game, Stellaris I've seen multiple people talking about it lately so I presume it's also a reasonably well-known recent release (sorta like Stardew Valley), and Salt & Sanctuary flat out showed up on a top sellers list on Steam when I recently transcribed it.
  • edited 2016-05-25 03:00:13
    Jane said:

    ethics here defined as "what I think it is morally right and wrong to put in a video game" which is fucking stupid because it's impossible to design a game mechanic that is morally wrong unless it, fucking, I don't know, like, you lose and then one of your relatives is beheaded or some shit.

    When you're getting to the point where you're saying things like "it should be a crime to make a game with checkpoints in 2016" and you're not even trying to be funny you need to stop, you need to go outside and just do something else with your life, you are too far down the path.
  • My dreams exceed my real life


    i was confused because sometimes it kinda feels like a fair stab at bad pop-sci articles, but at other points i can't tell what's actually being aimed at, so i felt like i couldnt get a handle on what it was supposed to be making fun of exactly
    It's aimed at the untermenschen who want to hold back the rigorous science of national socialism
  • I was gonna say something in response to that but if I'm being honest I don't genuinely care what anyone thinks about the subject brought up in the OP because I don't know that's possible for anyone to genuinely care about anything and also I think we're doomed as a species.
  • kill living beings
    this is not obvious


    honestly i feel i miss the days when games were like this

    you designed your own thing

    then people might give you advice but if they didn't fit your vision you tell them to fuck off

    maybe it's a fantasy

    this post was very poorly worded but i need to slep and i don't feel like cleaning it up to make it more defensible or otherwise better worded
  • also the obligatory

    fuck fandoms
  • kill living beings
    psh. have you ever met a porcupine? those fuckers don't genuinely care about anything. they're just piles of blood and some other stuff, and they do okay, until they're depiled at least.


    honestly i feel i miss the days when games were like this

    you designed your own thing

    then people might give you advice but if they didn't fit your vision you tell them to fuck off

    maybe it's a fantasy

    this post was very poorly worded but i need to slep and i don't feel like cleaning it up to make it more defensible or otherwise better worded
    if anything game culture has actually gotten less partisan and ridiculous over time, which is a terrifying thought
  • also the obligatory

    fuck fandoms

    Glenn you have a lotta people to fuck then.

  • TitleName said:

    also the obligatory

    fuck fandoms

    Glenn you have a lotta people to fuck then.

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Glenn, you slut! I thought you were better than this!
  • Underwater levels are morally wrong though
  • video games are immoral
  • escort missions are morally wrong, but otherwise this is crap.

    Alduin said:

    Underwater levels are morally wrong though

    This is why you only play
  • you dont play, you do sensible adult things like read novels and comission art of your fursona
  • edited 2016-05-25 06:18:19
    When someone says "ethics in game design" my first thought is either "don't design your game to siphon large amounts of money from children or people with impulse control issues" or "don't have your mechanics say bigoted things by eg giving black people a bonus to CON and white people a bonus to WIS," neither of which seem to be covered by what Jane is complaining about

    It's like everyone on this forum has access to hidden and uniquely terrible forms of discourse that I've never heard of, sigh
  • Kexruct said:

    When someone says "ethics in game design" my first thought is either "don't design your game to siphon large amounts of money from children or people with impulse control issues" or "don't have your mechanics say bigoted things by eg giving black people a bonus to CON and white people a bonus to WIS," neither of which seem to be covered by what Jane is complaining about

    It's like everyone on this forum has access to hidden and uniquely terrible forms of discourse that I've never heard of, sigh

    mostly you just make the wise decision to not go on reddit.
  • Basically those are all valid things to complain about, so no one ever talks about them.

    Instead it's "Hyperlight Drifter is hard and I think that's a moral failing of the game's creators rather than a design decision I don't like".
  • kill living beings
    i've never seen this in my life either, which is why i'm just vomiting up irrelevant bullshit like usual

    i mean i'm sure it happens i've just never synchronized my noumena
  • Alduin said:

    Underwater levels are morally wrong though

    someone hasn't played Rayman Origins/Legends
  • Kexruct said:

    When someone says "ethics in game design" my first thought is either "don't design your game to siphon large amounts of money from children or people with impulse control issues" or "don't have your mechanics say bigoted things by eg giving black people a bonus to CON and white people a bonus to WIS," neither of which seem to be covered by what Jane is complaining about

    It's like everyone on this forum has access to hidden and uniquely terrible forms of discourse that I've never heard of, sigh


    i've never seen this in my life either, which is why i'm just vomiting up irrelevant bullshit like usual

    i mean i'm sure it happens i've just never synchronized my noumena

    this too
  • Kexruct said:

    When someone says "ethics in game design" my first thought is either "don't design your game to siphon large amounts of money from children or people with impulse control issues" or "don't have your mechanics say bigoted things by eg giving black people a bonus to CON and white people a bonus to WIS," neither of which seem to be covered by what Jane is complaining about

    It's like everyone on this forum has access to hidden and uniquely terrible forms of discourse that I've never heard of, sigh

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the internet is full of hidden and terrible forms of discourse, you just have to know where to look.
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