Paula Cole-Where have all the cowboys gone


  • this is my favorite grunge song
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    *takes away naney's electric guitar privileges*
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    *takes away naney's electric guitar privileges*

  • Providence-based musician Adam Morosky sometimes creates sounds by connecting analog synthesizers to his body. In other instances, he allows ambient light to control the pitch, volume, and effects. It’s an intimate approach, one that blurs the distinction between sound, performer, and environment. “Dissection Theater,” a highlight from Morosky’s most recent album as Timeghost, performs a similar synthesis of self and sound. A heavy industrial pulse wraps around Morosky’s disfigured and digitized voice as he recites, along with his own lyrics, pieces of the Nuremberg Code, recasting this early attempt to define the ethics of medical research as an ominous spell spat from a void of bubbling noise. The title refers on one hand to the way in which medical research is itself a performance and, on the other, to Morosky’s personal dissolution into the texture of the song.
  • kill living beings
    i gots to admit, i get annoyed when somebody makes some art that sounds/looks/etc boring but it's ok because they made it in a weird way

    this dissection theater thing is neat, however
  • i bought that album while i was at this tiny cool record store in philadelphia

    inedentally, sredni went back there today to catch a noise show, apparently it was pretty rad
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