Not reacting to something

edited 2016-04-04 21:30:29 in Talk
Let's say someone really irritates you.  And you really hate how irritating they are.  But you then decide, you're not going to yell at them.  You want to give them a torrent of a verbal beatdown, but instead, you're going to keep it to yourself.  (Assume this someone is your social equal.)  When you're not around that person, you yell at a wall or smack your pillow or throw crumpled paper at the ground.  You mutter and perhaps shout expletives regarding that person when you're alone, or even with your close friends -- but you just don't say these things to the person directly.

Is it denying your true feelings about something, a regrettable self-censorship, and being dishonest to yourself and/or that person?

Or is it being mature, letting things go because you have bigger fish to fry, and taking the high road?


  • I have cut a caper with the dancing mad god
    Depends on why they're irritating. 

    Being mature also usually doesn't involve yelling at home, smacking things, or throwing things. It involves sighing and not getting worked up to begin with - or at least only mildly worked up. 

    If you have valid complaints about a person's behavior that the person would likely be willing to change if asked, it's worth bringing it up and talking it out with the person in a civilised manner. 
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