Sweet Home Heapers' Hangout

edited 2012-02-19 01:17:34 in General
It just occurred to me that this is actually the right number of syllables so now I DEMAND THAT SOMEPONY WRITE THIS SONG.



    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Big pictures keep gettin' posted
    Filling my screen full of derp
    Posting posts about nothing
    I miss road-signs once again
    And I think we need fonts, yes

    Well, I heard some tropers talk about it
    Well, I heard some tropers aren't so keen
    Well, I hope those tropers will remember
    Heaper's hangout don't need them around anyhow

    Sweet home Heaper's Hangout
    Where the posts are so shit
    Sweet home Heaper's Hangout 
    Lord, I hope all Ken's clothes fit you

    In TVTropes they love the drama, boo boo boo
    Now we all did what we could do
    Now Troper Tales does not bother me
    Do wonder posts bother you? Tell the truth

    Sweet home Heaper's Hangout
    Where the posts are so shit
    Sweet home Heaper's Hangout 
    Lord, I hope all Ken's clothes fit you 
    Here I come, 
    Heaper's Hangout 

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    He he he
    Heaper's Hangout   He he he 
    Heaper's Hangout   He he he  
    Heaper's Hangout   He he he  
    Heaper's Hangout 

    Now General  threads has got the nonsense
    And media's been known to have a pony or two
    (Yes, they do!)
    Lord, I keep on falling down all this Homestuck
    It keeps happening to me, now how about you?

    Sweet home Heaper's Hangout
    Where the posts are so shit
    Sweet home Heaper's Hangout 
    Lord, I hope all Ken's clothes fit you  

    Sweet home Heaper's Hangout, oh, sweet trash baby
    Where the posts are so shit  and the sides split
    Sweet home  Heaper's Hangout , Lordy
    Lord, I hope all Ken's clothes fit you, yeah yeah
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
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