What's your favorite kind of stock platformer level?

I like desert levels.


  • Honestly same.

    I like puzzley levels but not every platformer has them.
  • yeah deserts are good
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Industrial places.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Jane said:

    I like puzzley levels but not every platformer has them.

    Underground levels are pretty cool, too.
  • oh yeah

    the descendents of Super Mario Bros. 1-2.

    I might like that more than deserts actually. It's close tho.
  • BeeBee
    edited 2016-03-02 22:15:18
    I'm probably the weird one who usually likes water levels, as long as they're done well.

    Like, the ones in the original Sonic were bad because they were horrendously slow.  They got better once you had spin dash.  And so on.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Water as long as it is sufficiently breathable/fun to explore
  • Tiny and Big is basically one big desert/abandoned ruins level and it's the most fantastic thing.

    I can't say desert levels are always my favorite though because the Desert of the Knaaren in Rayman 3 gave me anxiety. 

    The water levels in Rayman from 3 onward are great, especially in Legends.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    The water levels in Origins are great.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Crystal said:

    Industrial places.

    as well as any kind of temple/palace/dungeon sort of place
  • Abandoned mine

    Sunny plains
  • I like grassy plains with ruins scattered around. 
  • The water levels in Origins are great.

    Yeah it's pretty hard to top that.
  • I always enjoyed the water levels in DKC2 & 3.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i like forests, urban environments and industrial environments

    but i don't really have a favourite theme; levels that i like best tend to be ones that are harder than those preceding them, but not so hard that they frustrated me, and big, with lots of places to explore

    (good music is also a major factor in making a level stand out to me)
  • Sky cities.  Sanctuary from Metroid Prime was fucking amazing.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...

    Urban and industrial (I used the latter to refer to both), sky levels, religious areas.
  • Tachyon said:

    but i don't really have a favourite theme; levels that i like best tend to be ones that are harder than those preceding them, but not so hard that they frustrated me, and big, with lots of places to explore

    (good music is also a major factor in making a level stand out to me)

  • Jane said:

    I like puzzley levels but not every platformer has them.

    Underground levels are pretty cool, too.

  • Yeah, I think I'm with Tachyon on this one too.

    Like, what I like out of Rayman is almost nothing like what I liked out of, say, Fez (I love the monochrome green sewer levels in that game) or Destiny (not a platformer, yes, but they made Mars a beautiful desert planet and I love it and it's what I've been obsessed with lately so shh).
  • Side note: I need to play more platformers.

    They're my favorite genre but I only have two real lasting Loves in the genre and neither of them are getting sequels any time soon (possibly ever).

    3D platformers in particular are a Thing I like a lot but are in short supply these days. I've considered trying the Banjo games because they look great (as does Yooka-Laylee) but I don't have a N64 and I'd rather play them legitimately if possible. If I ever get an Xbox One, Rare Replay is on the List of Things to Get, along with Sunset Overdrive (;____;) and possibly the Halo collection if 343 ever got it to actually work.
  • I don't mind what level it is, provided that:

    * The level looks absolutely gorgeous
    * The music is good
    * The overall atmosphere is awe inspiring (aka I play the level and think "I want to visit here myself")
    * The level isn't too long/short/difficult/easy aka its feels like it has served it purpose
    * Did I mention the nice visuals?
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Platformers don't tend to have them, but I like a good swamp level.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    I like the fire ones when there's a fire shield you can get that makes the entire level super easy.

    See:  Sonic 3d blast.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Aliroz said:

    I like the fire ones when there's a fire shield you can get that makes the entire level super easy.

    See:  Sonic 3d blast.

    Also Dark Souls
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Varia suit in Super Metroid pretty much does the same thing
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    @Baldanders how do you feel about BK's Bubblegloop Swamp?  What about Rayman 2's Bayou?
  • BeeBee
    edited 2016-03-04 09:07:22
    I remember I vaguely disliked Bubblegloop.  All I remember about it was the annoying wading boots crap, and for some reason I had lots of nightmares about the gator from the eating contest minigame trying to kill me -- like, physically kill me -- for losing.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Tachyon said:

    @Baldanders how do you feel about BK's Bubblegloop Swamp?  What about Rayman 2's Bayou?

    I don't have strong feelings about Bubblegloop. I like Rayman 2's Bayou
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