
edited 2016-02-27 09:55:23 in General


  • edited 2016-02-27 08:26:32

    Come, superb cat, to my amorous heart;
    Hold back the talons of your paws,
    Let me gaze into your beautiful eyes
    Of metal and agate.

    When my fingers leisurely caress you,
    Your head and your elastic back,
    And when my hand tingles with the pleasure
    Of feeling your electric body,

    In spirit I see my woman. Her gaze
    Like your own, amiable beast,
    Profound and cold, cuts and cleaves like a dart,

    And, from her head down to her feet,
    A subtle air, a dangerous perfume
    Floats about her dusky body.
  • edited 2016-02-27 08:27:35

    teeth teeth teeth TEETH
  • edited 2016-02-27 08:27:25

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    i'm so edgy i killed toriel twice in the same playthrough

    praise me
  • people who are edgy about what they did in Undertale are literally the most boring people alive
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I killed Flowey
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    The video's alright, it's basically about how Undertale is a commentary on JRPG standards and that the things you do actually matter, so a Genocide route would actually be pretty violent but that's almost sidetracking now. And at least his clickbait titles are generally relevant to his premises, unlike this one obnoxious Undertale video this thread reminded me of, which was Toriel and Undertale Logic 101.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I expected as much. The guy's not a twit, he just enthusiastically embraces intellectual overreach.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...

    I expected as much. The guy's not a twit, he just enthusiastically embraces intellectual overreach.

    Truthfully, I'd much rather that than the sort of videos I referenced. Rugnetta is enthusiastic without being annoying unlike others (although that is subjective), at least tries to give a variety of content, and doesn't feel like he wastes his words. I do also like his Reasonably Sound podcast, but I'm also not nearly as well-versed in those matters as I'd like to be, so there is that.
  • TreTre
    edited 2016-02-27 08:32:15
    Saw this last night on Polygon. It ain't bad, though it does use a pretty esoteric definition of 'violence' to prove its point.

    I've seen a few of the channel's videos (the guys on staff at my high school's satellite computer lab would watch it pretty frequently) and I don't particularly buy into everything on it but it's never been something I could find myself being actively annoyed by. [SIDE EYES THE FUCK OUT OF GAME THEORY]

    (insert nasty Lady Gaga reference here)
  • I remember the Game Theory video that insisted that Adventure Island was set in the Philippines. It was riddled with so many inaccuracies that after a point I stopped being offended and started laughing at it.
  • like uh

    the first video of theirs I saw was that Chrono Trigger was a Jesus metaphor, which while dumb is hardly a unique reading (cough cough Chrono Compendium)

    then I looked at more of their videos and the stupid was just so

  • i'm sorry but i had to take away your category limbo powers
  • oh c'mon what gives?
  • I wondered for ten minutes how you did that.
  • ^^oh fine you can have them back
  • there you have your Double Secret Cat Administrator powers back
  • I dunno why I necroed this thread. I just saw the draft saved and thought it'd be a waste.
  • people have bumped threads that haven't been posted in in years you know
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