>shows where screencaps look better than any fanart


  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    That Eunyoung Choi episode is wild.

    I would say that in non-animation terms, Lackadaisy is sort of notorious for this.
  • kill living beings
    wow there's fanart that gives them features and stuff? unacceptable
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    wow there's fanart that gives them features and stuff? unacceptable

    The latter is from a very stylised episode which you kind of have to see to understand, but setting that aside: STOP BEING WRONG ON THE INTERNET. DAS IST VERBOTEN.
  • kill living beings
    i remember the episode (the one with the dog bodymaker, yes?), what i meant is that i looked up the show on danbo and there's art like this i mean that's way too many lines just terrible
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Yeah, it's technically fine but the whole point is that it's soft and bubbly, like Tezuka but more so.
  • kill living beings
    and then they blow each other up

    when i see tezuka art i mostly think bugs bunny. kaiba's something else for me. dunno if i could pin it down.

    course other aspects i can easily find in other things. like eunyoung choi, obvs
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Maybe something even older, like the anime equivalent of Felix the Cat crossed with a children's storybook. It's just such a soothing, pretty style, despite the flashes of depravity and horrific violence in the show.
  • kill living beings
    it took me like two hours of show to realize it was cyberpunk, despite how obvious it would be if you just wrote out everything that occured
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    It's more Philip K. Dick stuff to me, in that reality is curiously malleable in a cartoon/dream-logic way and there's a lot of metaphysical stuff going on in addition to the cyberpunk brain chips.
  • kill living beings
    Sure, that too, but on the first planet you have the poors living in absurdly bad conditions mostly because of technology, and with rich people partying above them in towers, and all.
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