The Hulu blurb for Cat Planet Cuties

Nice guy Kio's normal life gets turned upside down when he meets a friendly, sexy cat-alien named Eris! She's on a peaceful mission - and she's ready to play! Things get even friskier when her fellow felines set up base in Kio's house!


  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Keanu Reeves shoulders another futuristic role in director Richard Linklater's sci-fi thriller based on Philip K. Dick's novel. Working as an undercover cop in a world where almost everyone is addicted to Substance D - which produces split personalities in its users - Fred Arctor (Reeves) sets up an elaborate sting to nab a notorious drug runner named Bob. But little does Fred know that "Bob" is … his alter ego.
  • Despite the name, JACK is actually a woman. Her real name is: Janis Alectos Carotenas Karinato. She works for the CIA and is acting supervisor of Manami. She has noticeably long blond hair, is barely dressed (usually seen wearing a cowboy hat, denim shorts with a belt, cowboy boots, and a tank top) and is often seen eating fast food, appealing to the Japanese stereotype of American women. She drives a 1963 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray as her personal vehicle.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Eris, huh?

    Also i somehow thought this was about Cat Planet (as played by Raocow) for a moment and i was very confused
  • Underside of Kitten Paw Cult is a large, nearly worldwide cult dedicated to worshiping cat ears and cat tails. It is led by Antonia. They considered Eris to be their Savior and Goddess. By the eighth episode, Eris and Antonia began work to slowly wipe out the religious aspects and turn the group into more of a fan club.
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