Nerds who um actually lovecraft shit

Die in a fire.


  • My dreams exceed my real life
    "um actually the key horror of the cthulkhuhu mythos is" don't care, go to hell
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    "This is a bad lovecraft story because" because you need to read real books, got it
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Colour out of Space is pretty good.
  • um actually Cthulhu is immune to fire damage
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    um actually steam boatand  if you analyze the time, "puffy rat faced jew" was how you greeted friends
  • its still how i greet friends to this very day
  • this is why im still unemployed

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    um actually, you will find that this horror story about misgenation is actually about fishpeople. fishpeople prove the universe doesn't love us, just like daddy doesn't love us.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    My cosmic horror synthpop band is looking for more keyboardists.

    The name of our band is Lovekraftwerk.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    um actually, the dark descent is good because fish, stars, and black people scare me
  • you can still extract not-racist meaning out of a dumb racist story you know

    well, not every dumb racist story, but some of them
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    i know

    i just hate nerds so much you guys
  • edited 2016-01-06 18:48:30
    We can do anything if we do it together.

    "This is a bad lovecraft story because" because you need to read real books, got it

    Because the books of someone you don't like are somehow not real books.
  • The only real books are that book with Zizek walking away from the explosion on the cover and Karl Ove Knausgaard's My Struggle
  • all other books are merely assemblages of words on paper
  • sorry, i dont make the rules, this is just the way things are
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    hit a nerve there
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    The only real books are that book with Zizek walking away from the explosion on the cover and Karl Ove Knausgaard's My Struggle

    Writing about writing. Writing about not writing. Who cares which 
    when the bandwagon is rolling? My father's death, the birth of my 
    children, not writing my book and my general uselessness were all in the
    bag. So what next? Who can say whether memories are real or an act of 
    imagination? No one, fortunately, so I was entirely free to reinvent 
    some of my miserable childhood.

    The bus rolled down the hill towards Tromøya on an overcast day in 
    August 1969. Or maybe it didn't, as I was then only a year old. But it 
    feels as if it must have done. We lived on a new estate in a dreary 
    suburb, swamped in existential misery with a broken television. Each 
    time a rainbow appeared, I would search the woods for its end. Never 
    once did I find a pot of gold. Never. That's how hard it was.

    Every morning I ate a bowl of cornflakes. Sometimes I would pour the 
    milk on first, sometimes the sugar. "Make your mind up, you big jessie,"
    Dad shouted. Every day, I would run to my room and cry for three days. 
    Then I walked to school. Sometimes my friends, not that there was anyone
    I knew whom I would really call a friend, would have pissing contests 
    on the way. I didn't join in as my willy was too small. Geir was very 
    good at maths. I was better at English, having read the entire oeuvre of Rachel Cusk by the age of three.

    The highlight of my day was having a shit. How I enjoyed sitting on 
    the toilet, seeing how long I could delay my turds falling into the bowl
    with a big splash. Once I was very close to breaking my record when Mum
    knocked on the door to tell me she had bought me a girl's bathing cap. I
    rushed to my room, sobbing uncontrollably for a month. Dad shouted at 
    me to stop wailing as he couldn't hear the television that didn't work. I
    hated swimming after that.

    It was a bright summer's day, possibly, and I stood on a bridge 
    dropping stones on cars. One landed on an Opel, smashing its windscreen 
    and causing a pile-up in which seven people were killed. I ran home to 
    listen to my Wings album. "You accursed boy," my dad might have said, if he had had a particularly stilted turn of phrase.

    Mum bought me a brown tracksuit which made my bum look quite big. I 
    cried for almost a year and no girls would talk to me. The only thing I 
    enjoyed doing was writing. "You will become a great writer," my teacher 
    said. Fireworks of joy exploded in my brain.

    One summer I was eating my cornflakes in my bedroom, when I overheard
    my mum saying her name was Sissel Norunn Knausgaard. "I didn't know you
    had a middle name," I blubbed. Oh oh oh oh, I sobbed. My whole 
    childhood world was rocked by this news. Later, my dad told me I had two
    middle names. "What are they?" I whimpered. "Annoying twat," he 

    The cat died. It was as if all my joy had descended to the bottom of a
    well. Then Mum said she was going to Oslo to get away from me. "I don't
    blame her," said Dad, before casually abusing me yet again. The house 
    was lifeless without her. I tried to forgive my dad for being so horrid,
    but I couldn't.

    I eventually plucked up the courage to ask a girl out. But she dumped
    me when she found out how dull and self-obsessed I was. I then kissed 
    another girl. "What shall we do next?" she said. "Let's go home so I can
    write about the shame of prematurely ejaculating in my pants," I said. 
    To my horror, she didn't want to see me again, either. I sobbed for 
    seven long, long years.

    As I reached my word count, I decided I needed to confront my father.
    "Why do you hate me so much?" I pleaded. He laughed. "Why do you expect
    me to feel any differently to everyone else?" It was time for me to 
    leave my boyhood. No one came to say goodbye.

  • My dreams exceed my real life

    "This is a bad lovecraft story because" because you need to read real books, got it

    Because the books of someone you don't like are somehow not real books.
  • edited 2016-01-06 18:57:59
    For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    I have mixed feelings about this Lovecraft/My Little Pony crossover. On the one hand, Nyarlathotep's scene with Sassaflash and Tootsie Flute is one of the finest depictions of the universe's vast indifference to humanity (or in this case, equinity) that I've ever read. On the other hand, the depictions of Derpy Hooves and Shub-Nigurrath are wildly inconsistent with my headcanon.
  • kill living beings
    This is a bad thread.
  • yeah, this is definitely a very bad thread.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.

    This is a bad thread.

  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Yeah, this is indeed a bad thread, primarily for a reason that I already stated.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    the poe cartoon is worse than this thread, however
  • the poe cartoon is in this thread
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    idk actually, i kinda agree with Myr here

    perhaps not wholly or as vehemently, "read real books" isn't something i agree with, but i think i get the point being made
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Well sorry.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Yeah, I wasn't going to bother to respond to that because I wasn't sure what to say to that.
  • I don't forgive you
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    et tu kitte
  • kill living beings
    It doesn't have to be like this. You don't have to voice the screaming of the basket of cannibalistic worms that is your mind. You can just be like, yeah. Lovecraft was super racist and his prose was usually bad. You don't have to reduce this to a template you can apply mindlessly. You don't have to irritate your friends with this, you don't have to reflexively shovel everybody into the Pit of Wrong Opinions. If your brain was less made of torn viscera you'd remember that there are probably people you like who even like some fiction whatever that you don't.

    I'm not getting this across well. How do I put this. I look at this thread and I see myself tearing at my skin. I see that time I got so angry that I bit my hand such that the bruise lasted a few days. Juuuuust a lot of anger. It's not "righteous anger" or whatever, even if the people you originally had in mind (those little clubs of like-minded fascist freaks you insist on keeping up with) are inarguably douchebags. It's just tearing and ripping and cutting for no real reason.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    yeah that's mostly fair.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i took this thread to be about people who gloss over or outright defend the racist aspects of Lovecraft so they can like the books uncritically

    not an attack on everyone who liked a Lovecraft story
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    This was actually just about how Lovecraft is the only writer nerds are willing to be somewhat critical about, in the sense of looking deeper than surface trappings.
  • kill living beings
    It doesn't matter, really. It could just as well be targeted at John Ringo, but in this format it would be a bad thread.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    well, they're aware that there's metaphor involved, sure
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Yes, thus why I said mostly fair.
  • kill living beings
    I don't want to be compelled to look at what is more or less a stupider /lit/ troll thread OP, and have to apply fucking exigetical principles to try to understand what the fuck is meant. I know this is "a shitpost forum" or whatever but for god's sake, we invented sentence structure for a reason.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I'm not blaming you, I was just being pedantic.

    "This is a bad lovecraft story because" because you need to read real books, got it

    Because the books of someone you don't like are somehow not real books.
    Everybody is Trope-tan in Darth Wiki *runs*
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.

    This was actually just about how Lovecraft is the only writer nerds are willing to be somewhat critical about, in the sense of looking deeper than surface trappings.

    Why didn't you just say that, then?

    Seriously, you have this bizarre talent for coming up with interesting theses, then stating them in the most obtuse, needlessly alienating way possible.
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