cat planet

cat planet 

cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet (1) cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet (2).

cat planet:

  1. cat planet (cat planet)
  2. cat planet
  3. cat planet (3)
  4. cat planet / cat planet
  5. cat planet
cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat (4) planet cat planet cat planet cat planet (5) cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet.

cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet (cat planet cat planet cat planet) cat planet.

cat planet? cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet.

cat planet (6) cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet.

1: cat planet, cat planet cat planet.
2: cat planet
3: cat planet cat planet (cat planet) cat planet
4: cat planet cat planet
5: cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet
6: cat planet cat planet? cat planet


  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    today is tomorrow remember when you watched cat planet cuties
  • that show was fire af and i dont regret a single moment of it
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Would mirror universe Naney be a cat with a goatee, or a dog?
  • mirror universe naney is ten feet tall, has eye sockets that drip black ichor, unspeakable razor fangs, fluffy cat ears and no free will
  • kill living beings
    So like, your eye sockets drip white bile, or
  • every single cat planet cuties screencap i can find is of fanservicey bits

    which is entirely to be expected, but still slightly disappointing
  • So like, your eye sockets drip white bile, or

    yes precisely i should probably see a doctor about that
  • though on a more serious note i realize now that that post would not make a lick of sense to any other human being, and i am not feeling like explaining it so (*shrug emote*)
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Naney is ten feet tall

    He's covered in silky white-black fur

    He only wears his baseball cap on backwards

    He's incredibly wealthy

    Sunglasses? A necessity

    Sometimes he wears overalls.

    He doesn't smoke cigarettes because they're bad for your health

    His favorite instrument? The guitar.

    Favorite food? Pizza

    Favorite movie? Road To Perdition

    Favorite book? Tuck Everlasting
  • Naney is ten feet tall

    He's covered in silky white-black fur

    He only wears his baseball cap on backwards

    He's incredibly wealthy

    Sunglasses? A necessity

    Sometimes he wears overalls.

    He doesn't smoke cigarettes because they're bad for your health

    His favorite instrument? The guitar.

    Favorite food? Pizza

    Favorite movie? Road To Perdition

    Favorite book? Tuck Everlasting
    Burma Shave
  • image

    this is the scene where the catian emissaries show up to negotiate with the government of japan
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I think I recommended that anime to you as a joke, and then you liked it.

    All I know is it has cat aliens, and a really cool opening scene.
  • Naney is ten feet tall

    He's covered in silky white-black fur

    He only wears his baseball cap on backwards

    He's incredibly wealthy

    Sunglasses? A necessity

    Sometimes he wears overalls.

    He doesn't smoke cigarettes because they're bad for your health

    His favorite instrument? The guitar.

    Favorite food? Pizza

    Favorite movie? Road To Perdition

    Favorite book? Tuck Everlasting
    holy shit i remember this post
  • I think I recommended that anime to you as a joke, and then you liked it.

    All I know is it has cat aliens, and a really cool opening scene.
    it definitely wasn't "good" but it was entertaining
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    That was how I felt about Akame Ga Kill.

    Which I mostly was okay with, except they kept killing off characters I liked in favor of characters I did not.
  • Cat Planet Cuties is devoid of death

    but it plays the perennialy unfunny "hotheaded lady sees the dude in an accidentally sexual-seeming situation and then whaps him" joke like, a bunch early on

    also Eris keeps on wanting to bang the protagonist and it just, doesnt happen and i get why because this isnt a porno but it still feels decidedly anticlimactic
  • it does have some great bits

    like the secret society that's trying to off the catians before they can make first contact because the idea of first contact being with a bunch of aliens that are just like humans but with cat ears strikes them as profoundly anticlimactic

    also the USA is secretly in league with the dog aliens, in violation of interplanetary treaties
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I like the purple hair one
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    That's kinda funny.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.


    this is the scene where the catian emissaries show up to negotiate with the government of japan

  • also the dog aliens are from a planet orbiting Sirius because duh
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Much like how the lizard people that rule the world are from Draco.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Mirror Universe Naney would be the straightest man ever known.
  • Mirror Universe Naney would be the straightest woman ever known.

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