this woman is the greatest anime villain of all time

edited 2016-01-01 21:52:46 in General

now, you may be wondering: What makes her the greatest anime villain of all time?

answer: her name is literally Krul Tepes



  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Owari no Seraph is on my list purely due to the designs.
  • Krul has the appearance of a preteen girl. She has long powder-pink hair, partially done up in two pigtails by black hairpieces that resemble bat wings. The hairpieces are attached by a black hair band. She also has what appear to be short black horns at either temple. Like all vampires, she has red eyes, fangs, and pointed ears.
    She wears a short black frilly style dress with a layer of white ruffles over black ruffles for the skirt. The top has a circular opening between her breasts, and the straps of the top cross before reaching her neck on either side. The top has an open back with two x-shaped crossing stitches tightening it at her waist. A strip of pink goes down either side at the front of her top and ends at bows above her ruffles. Five golden buttons are distributed evenly going down the top on either side between the pink strips.

    She has a white collar of lace parted in the center of her neck that reaches over her collar bones. It is bound by a pink ribbon with a large bow on the right side of her neck. It has a golden oval decoration in the center and a pair of ribbons trailing from it that reach her hips.

    She wears detached, loose black sleeves that are puffed up under her shoulders run past her hands, becoming wider toward the end. It has three gold buttons at the cuff. A black ribbon is tied into a bow at the top outermost sides of these sleeves, and its tails reach the length of the sleeves. White lace frills decorate the tops of the sleeves, and longer white frills hang out under the sleeves. The white also peeks out in a slit at the puffy part of the sleeves under either ribbon.

    Under these sleeves, she wears another pair of black sleeves that are tighter against her skin and reach her knuckles. Each one has a pair of pink stripes running down her arms and to her knuckles. They can only be seen when the loose sleeves over them are slid back for some reason.

    She wears tall black boots that are initially folded below her knees, but they become unfolded after she attacks Ferid in chapter 5. After unfolding, they reach mid-thigh and have a slit down to either knee. They have tall golden stilettos.

    On certain occasions, she may wear a black cloak attached to the back of her top at her waist. It runs from her waist down to her ankles and is split down the center. The inner lining is pink.

    When she first appears, she also wears a military-esque black jacket that trails to her mid-calf. It has shoulder decorations and overly-large cuffs ending in white frills. Each cuff has a line of trimming at either end and has three buttons attached to it. She was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which shewas very happy about. A lot of preps stared at her. She put up her middle finger at them.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the evillest loli
  • she does drink the blood of orphans so probably
  • this show is fucking hilarious
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    the evilest anime girl, thank you

    unrelatedly, that is a very long description
  • that was copypasted directly from the wiki

    with an obvious addition
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    . . . i didn't bother to read to the end before

    that was a bad decision
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    stupid preps
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    how sinister
  • that is a different lady
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    still evil though
  • despite what that screencap would seem to indicate every time two male characters interact in this show it is just a tad too intimate to be hetro

    like this one dude thinks his friend has died, and when it turns out he hasnt he glomps him and then nuzzles his chest

    also they are fighting vampires with demon weapons while wearing cool uniforms and there are tons of fuckawful awkward infodumps and the themes of finding family are handled with the subtlety and grace of a drunk rhinoceros, and it’s all set in this incredibly cliched and grimderp setting which is handled too poorly for the grimderpness to really grimderp

    it’s charming
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
  • the thing that makes it work is that the bad bits, rather than serving to bring down the good bits, essentially serve to transform it from a run of the mill action drama type show to a po-faced action comedy
  • also the good guys may or may not be fascists?

    i mean, they are an authoritarian military regime literally called the Japanese Imperial Demon Army who want to take over the world

    but they want to take over the world from the vampires who drink the blood of hapless orphans

    no word on what they plan to do after

    a really good show would simultaneously tackle both the vampire thread and the ideological issues the good guys have going on, but IDK if this show is that show? it may just end up being Problematic.
  • you have to love a shonen protagonist who is reasonably aware of his own flaws
  • ...i cannot discern how self-aware this show is?
  • kill living beings

    also the good guys may or may not be fascists?

    i mean, they are an authoritarian military regime literally called the Japanese Imperial Demon Army who want to take over the world
    dunno about you but i don't think there are any extenuating circumstances here
  • ok looking at the wiki in the most spoiler-avoiding way possible they are very definitely intended to be a bunch of raving fascists and what has come out so far has definitely indicated that the central protagonists are pretty uncomfortable with the higher-ups

    basically from what we've sen so far: most of humanity is dead from some weird possibly genetically engineered virus, vampires took advantage of this to emerge from the shadows, and the squatters are now being squabbled over by the vampires and the fascist-y remnants of the japanese military, who are both basically acting like mobsters demanding protection/blood from people

    the bit where humanity dies out was incredible by the way: it was a normal city night, then a bunch of people simultaneously dropped dead, a truck crashes, and then a plane crashes, all in roughly the same spot. played totally straight.
  • i am really loving this show
  • edited 2016-01-02 04:17:17

    also RE: the incredible amounts of gay in this show:


    oh hell, its in the thumbnail

  • ok looking at the wiki in the most spoiler-avoiding way possible they are very definitely intended to be a bunch of raving fascists and what has come out so far has definitely indicated that the central protagonists are pretty uncomfortable with the higher-ups

    the only reason i was wondering about this was b/c i know at least a few recent shows with similar plots/themes/whatever have had weird military glorifying-y overtones hackcouchattackontitanhackcough
  • im liking this show a lot more than I thought I would.
  • "such a contradiction of love and lust. this is why humans destroy the world"
  • "Don't trust humans, Yu. Humans are scarier than vampires or demons."

    callllled it
  • i just watched a line of archers take down three attack helicopters
  • and the vampires have a Lockheed C-130 Hercules
  • at least i think that's what it is? im no plane expert
  • kill living beings

    the bit where humanity dies out was incredible by the way: it was a normal city night, then a bunch of people simultaneously dropped dead, a truck crashes, and then a plane crashes, all in roughly the same spot. played totally straight.

    this is my second-favorite ridiculous apocalypse depiction thing, right after the oil tanker embedded several dozen floors up a skyscraper
  • perks of being a vampire: you can run a plane packed with explosives into a building and walk away unscathed
  • their dope-ass robes were also unharmed
  • the bit where humanity dies out was incredible by the way: it was a normal city night, then a bunch of people simultaneously dropped dead, a truck crashes, and then a plane crashes, all in roughly the same spot. played totally straight.

    this is my second-favorite ridiculous apocalypse depiction thing, right after the oil tanker embedded several dozen floors up a skyscraper

    this is where my mind went immediately
  • kill living beings
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Krul Tepes is supposed to be a preteen? She looked like an adult to me
  • its anime the only markers of age are height and if you are a girl maybe boob size
  • tbh those are both unreliable too

    compare the cast of Lucky*Star to Yoko from Gurren Lagann.
  • good way to introduce a character: leaping into frame, punching a vampire so hard that they fly back over the roof of a building and disintegrate
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...

    their dope-ass robes were also unharmed

    I demand evidence.
  • i am already on another episode and am too bored to go back
  • anyways


    my totally gay ass has a huge crush on the androgynous sword demon
  • "Basically, it's doping"

    yes, the imperial fascists use drugged kids with demon weapons to fight vampires.

    what a charming lot.
  • the best character in this show is definitely Shinoa
  • image

    apparently the manga is also gay
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    So that surname: Over the phone you pronounced it "teeps," but it's actually "TSEP-esh." It's Romanian for "impaler." Putting the cedillas under the first and last letters is hard, by the by: Țepeș. Had to copy/paste from Wikipedia.
  • So that surname: Over the phone you pronounced it "teeps," but it's actually "TSEP-esh." It's Romanian for "impaler." Putting the cedillas under the first and last letters is hard, by the by: Țepeș. Had to copy/paste from Wikipedia.

    i did not ponounce it teeps i pronounced it teh-pays

    which is still not correct but



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