Actually, you will find that the success of Donald Trump can be located in Gadamer's Hermeneutics
Actually, you will find the Charleston Shooting can be traced back to the Nicean Council.
Actually, you will find that the situation in Syria has its roots in Frank Capra's It's A Wonderful Life
Actually, you will find that Iran/Contra scandal is almost entirely summed up by Reagan's Spinozism.
why I am supposed to be upset about Sam Kriss
even if he is, or is not, I do not know, an astoundingly wrong human being on many levels
blogs? I guess?
good for him.
I don't understand I don't understand I don't understand I don't understand
a blog post written by an actual nazi
it was intellectually inconsistent in several glaring respects
I mean like, if I met Sam here at a bar or something, and we talked a bit, and he brought it up, I would politely decline.
but I would feel no particular lasting animosity towards him
it just seems like such a strange thing to get hung up on
I don't get the context, I just get references and awkward blog posts
that don't seem to
self-assemble in my mind like you want them to
you have never explained why he is bad, beyond that he is exceptionally sad and wrong about things
describes like
everyone I have ever met
is that it?
do you know how hard it is to get me to hate someone
it's really hard
say that
more than once
so we could follow it