Isn't Terpsichora more like their Stand? Although Doctor Blythe has physical characteristics that are closer to a JoJo's Stand, Terpsichora seems to have more in common in terms of utility. But I'm not quite at the point where it's done much, soooo...
...yeah, Shaiapouf is totally Ant!Pearl. Not sure about the others, but that comparison at the very least is golden.
I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this arc, but I think I'll wait until it's over to talk about it at length. In brief, though: There is something truly harrowing about the fact that the villains here are, the more you think about it, not just like children (and they really are), but a mirror image of everything that makes Gon so formidable.
Either way.
This arc is going to kill me.
I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this arc, but I think I'll wait until it's over to talk about it at length. In brief, though: There is something truly harrowing about the fact that the villains here are, the more you think about it, not just like children (and they really are), but a mirror image of everything that makes Gon so formidable.
And you were totally right on both fronts.