Going to a four-year school



  • heh

    maybe if I didn't have to watch the kids all the time I'd be willing to take you up on such a thing.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Y'know, I really like my room, but I wish it were part of a very different house sometimes.
  • your house is lovely!
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I mean in that I wish I lived alone sometimes, or that we all lived in a different area with less traffic and fewer McMansions.
  • Be stalking this thread for a bit, and all I can is this: everyone's experience is different. I went to Uni as a scared 19 year old living away from home for the first time and counting down the days until I could go home again. Now, two years later, I count down the days when I don't have to go home and can actually have the weekend to myself. I don't go out and socialise, and that's fine by me. I'm at University for two reason: get a degree, and learn how to be an independent young adult. I'm well on my way to achieving both. So I may not have blacked out and woken up somewhere strange, or joined a club or society. You know what? That's fine. Because I have plenty of other things to do to keep me happy. For reference, my Uni town is a shitty place with little to do, and I still go out and find something to do. I find it hard to believe that Denver, of all places, doesn't have anything to do. As for this "higher experience" bullshit, fuck that. You live and experience things for you yourself to enjoy, not to have "better experiences than anybody else". I've had some bad experiences in life, but I'm glad I experienced them because they have shaped me into who I am, and it gives me pleasure to prove people who push me down wrong.

    tl;dr stop whining and start living

    This has been Tools' 5:41am insomnia induced rant. Thank you and goodnight.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    Anonus said:

    It is not utter blandness, but I do wish to live somewhere at times where I could believe I was experiencing the height of human experience, and surrounded by people who also feel that way. But that place could well be right here!

    well, you seem to have a bizarre version of the height of human experience that you associate with but i have at best yet to see in los angeles so

    honestly i have the same problems with being a bit of a recluse so i'm a hypocrite to comment but i guess there's a reason why the majority of the times you mention denver i crack a joke about chipotle or whatever
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    honestly i think most of the things i've seeked out in los angeles are museums with shannon though.

    bizarrely enough not including the hammer even though i pass by it on the way to school like every other day

    also at some point i need to go to the place that does espresso shots in ice cream cones
  • Is it true that is hardly ever rains in LA?
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    yeah that's true.  it's kind of a problem, in the general area, since we're in a drought right now
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    though i guess LA in particular is too urbanized to actually keep the rain in and it's the nearby mountains and shit that need rain

    well, we're supposed to get a pretty strong el niño this year
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Denver is a veritable hotbed of fast casual chains. It's not just Chipotle. There's also Qdoba, and Noodles & Company, and Smashburger, and Pizzeria Locale...
  • What's the longest it's gone without raining?

    Here, no rain for a few days is enough to make people start panicking. A week without rain makes people crazy. As much as we bitch about the rain, we go mental when it's not there.
  • There's a saying here: "There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing."
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    it rains like once every month or two maybe?
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    it's really obnoxious because i'm not expecting it and so when it happens my umbrella is elsewhere.  i didn't even bring the umbrella i had in north carolina.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I wish it rained more in Denver too, honestly
  • Once a month?! Jesus...

    Here we have the opposite problem. Rains for a full month.
  • Or a months worth of rain falls in a week, like it did back in 2007.
  • Typical. One of the few Brits in this hangout enters the thread and starts talking about the weather.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    in los angeles, "weather" is a thing you mostly vaguely hear about, it's a thing that happens to other people

    actually it got really hot this summer and relatively cold(though anyone from actually cold places will laugh at us) now
  • It's been unseasonably warm right now... Not sure if it's my Northern blood, but it's not been very... Winterish. I went outside yesterday in just jeans, converse and my oversized hoodie, and I was melting by the time I got to University. Weird...
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i am fairly sure there is no city or state on earth where you can expect to be "surrounded by people who believe themselves to be living the height of human experience", just by dint of living in a particular city or state

    for that you need to, like, become a born-again Christian or something like that

    probably not even then
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Sweetie, I used to fall into the trap of thinking that living in a different city would give me "the height of the human experience." Remember when I would cry because I felt New Yorkers experienced life on a level I could never hope to attain?

    But the thing is, it's not going to be a magic fix for you, and neither is going to a four year school. You have to want to go out and get experience on your own...from what I can tell, you do an absolute minimum of your school time as is and don't ever stick around to mingle with your fellow students. And while I admit I'm kinda the same way...I dunno, I feel like you shut yourself up more.

    I mean I guess I'm not saying anything the others haven't already said, but hopefully it'll get through to you if it's coming from me.
  • Listen to your girlfriend, Anonus. She is the all-knowing princess, after all.
    Case in point: My relatively short stint in college was at Virginia Tech, a pretty big school, and even there I had maybe a half-dozen people (that weren't faculty or staff) I talked to on a regular basis. I didn't really speak to anyone from high school then because the Web was still in its infancy.
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