The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Kexruct some people do not like the same things that you like. And that's okay. :)
  • edited 2013-09-04 00:11:06
    Miko said:

    Kexruct some people do not like the same things that you like. And that's okay. :)

    It's his tone. Again, I really don't feel like explaining it again but I know I'm not the only one who has taken issue with it.
  • Kexruct said:

    Miko said:

    Kexruct some people do not like the same things that you like. And that's okay. :)

    It's his tone. Again, I really don't feel like explaining it again but I know I'm not the only one who has taken issue with it.
    I think you're overreacting dood.



    did you drink coffee
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    that's a good idea

    i wonder if the little coffeepot is clean
  • I have tried drinking coffee before but I cannot stand it.

    Most people I have spoken to who are regular coffee drinkers claim to drink it more for the caffeine than the taste though.

    This, indirectly, led me to the discovery that Mountain Dew is the coffee of soda. Because no one actually likes how Mountain Dew tastes, which is like mold.
  • Kexruct said:

    Miko said:

    Kexruct some people do not like the same things that you like. And that's okay. :)

    It's his tone. Again, I really don't feel like explaining it again but I know I'm not the only one who has taken issue with it.
    I think you're overreacting dood.
    Honestly, I don't think he is.


    that's a good idea

    i wonder if the little coffeepot is clean
    in my house we make coffee in this little pan...

    i miss my dad's french press, it was very nice and fun
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Kexruct said:

    Miko said:

    Kexruct some people do not like the same things that you like. And that's okay. :)

    It's his tone. Again, I really don't feel like explaining it again but I know I'm not the only one who has taken issue with it.
    I think you're overreacting dood.
    Not especially. You get really abrasive about certain things and then get really defensive and even more dismissive when people point out that you're being rude or overly harsh. The fact that you seem to only rarely talk about things that you actually like or feel passionately about only makes it more frustrating.

    And frankly, I really like when you talk about things that you care about. It's interesting. But so much of the time it's like you're rolling your eyes at everyone and I would rather that you didn't.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I don't like hot drinks very much, but I like iced coffee every now and then.
  • Kexruct said:

    Miko said:

    Kexruct some people do not like the same things that you like. And that's okay. :)

    It's his tone. Again, I really don't feel like explaining it again but I know I'm not the only one who has taken issue with it.
    I think you're overreacting dood.
    Not especially. You get really abrasive about certain things and then get really defensive and even more dismissive when people point out that you're being rude or overly harsh. The fact that you seem to only rarely talk about things that you actually like or feel passionately about only makes it more frustrating.

    And frankly, I really like when you talk about things that you care about. It's interesting. But so much of the time it's like you're rolling your eyes at everyone and I would rather that you didn't.
    I don't honestly understand where this impression comes from because while I do do that about things I do it pretty rarely and even more rarely with any genuine sort of lasting passion on the subject. Most of the time when I'm dismissive about something it's half-sarcastically and I only talk about it at all for lack of a better subject to discuss. Maybe I'm just assuming people here know me better than they do.

    I quite like talking about things I enjoy, but most of the time when I do that here I get no response, so I've just stopped doing so over time.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    You do understand that talking less about what you like and responding sarcastically to mentions of things that you dislike or have no interest in only perpetuates the initial problem, right? People are not going to want to listen to what you have to say if your only responses are to things that you seem to consider beneath you.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    (Note that I do not think that you actually think that these things are beneath you, but you affect the posture in such a way that it is indistinguishable from actual condescension.)
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat


    in the mountainous pillows
  • I don't honestly think I act much differently than I did when I first came here but apparently there is consensus otherwise.

    The process is something like this, if I speak and get no response, I assume that what I have spoken about is not interesting to the people I am speaking to, and move on to something else. This is a repeating pattern.

    Quite consistently, I do not get talked to when I go on a thread about something I enjoy, and indeed, I've noticed that most people here do not, or if they do, it's from one or two specific, other people. I am thus left with a dearth of topics to discuss, and instead comment on whatever is being discussed. Usually (not always), this is not anything I have any interest in, so I'm left to quip. Partially my own fault for certain, but if I had other things to talk about I might do it less often.

    Again, this is just me making the mistake of assuming I'm entitled to conversation wherever I go. I'm not, but I do wonder what the point of a forum is if not for its users to talk to each other.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I think that you are well aware that most of the people here have very niche interests that only a few people on the site each share (with the exception of a few more unified interests like music, cartoons and, well, Homestuck of all things). But do they simply cease talking at all? No! We talk to certain others about certain things and accept each other's weird quirks with the understanding that our interests and quirks are tolerated and understood even if they are not shared. That is how this forum functions.
  • Perhaps I simply assumed that my overbearing faux-dismissiveness would be accepted as a characteristic rather than taken as a personal insult.

    Unfortunately if I assumed that I was evidently wrong.
  • edited 2013-09-04 00:45:01
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    The problem is, I think, that you are doing something that would be funny in person but, deprived of tone and body language, comes off as vaguely mean-spirited—which I do not think that you really are—particularly in excess.

    I have nothing against sarcasm, but you could tone it down a little and actually be earnest sometimes.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  •  I don't know, people tend to make the argument that you can't read tone on the internet but I don't have much a problem doing it and I suppose I tend to assume others don't either.

    And as concludes almost all interactions I have with other human beings I am left confused and liking myself very little. There are people who say I'm sociable, you know. They're liars.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Anonus said:


    in the mountainous pillows
  • “I of course realize that many people around the country are
    concerned that an intervention in Syria would devolve into another Siege
    of Belgrade, but I can assure you that this operation will be swift,
    decisive, and will in no way resemble the Ottoman Empire’s ill-advised
    invasion of Nándorfehérvár,” Obama told the assembled White House Press
    Corps. “Our mission in Syria is fundamentally different from that of the
    Ottomans 550 years ago—there will be absolutely no boots on the ground,
    the attacks will only last for two or three days at the most, and we
    will, under no circumstances, be deploying a fleet of 200 galleys and
    300 cannons.”

    presented without comment.

  • we will, under no circumstances, be deploying a fleet of 200 galleys and 300 cannons.

    This is because our socialist president has been secretly gutting our military for years. I bet you anything we don't have so much as 50 galleys anymore.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    what will become of the galley slaves
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

     I don't know, people tend to make the argument that you can't read tone on the internet but I don't have much a problem doing it and I suppose I tend to assume others don't either.

    And as concludes almost all interactions I have with other human beings I am left confused and liking myself very little. There are people who say I'm sociable, you know. They're liars.

    When it can go either way, people tend to read things in a less charitable light. Plus, again, volume is important: Too much sarcasm can come off as you thinking that other people's interests are somehow below yours, or feeling that you have to belittle others' opinions rather than share your own in earnest out of fear that they will be belittled.

    By the way, you can be sociable and pleasant and funny and interesting. You just sound so... beleaguered all the time when other people talk about stuff that you aren't into. And when not, you often sound sad, which makes me sad. :/
  • what will become of the galley slaves

    well that got dark quickly.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    my work is done
  •  I don't know, people tend to make the argument that you can't read tone on the internet but I don't have much a problem doing it and I suppose I tend to assume others don't either.

    And as concludes almost all interactions I have with other human beings I am left confused and liking myself very little. There are people who say I'm sociable, you know. They're liars.

    When it can go either way, people tend to read things in a less charitable light. Plus, again, volume is important: Too much sarcasm can come off as you thinking that other people's interests are somehow below yours, or feeling that you have to belittle others' opinions rather than share your own in earnest out of fear that they will be belittled.

    By the way, you can be sociable and pleasant and funny and interesting. You just sound so... beleaguered all the time when other people talk about stuff that you aren't into. And when not, you often sound sad, which makes me sad. :/
    well I am sad very very often, I hate to make that public knowledge if it weren't already.

    As for beleaguered (fuck the French and their loanwords), maybe. I'm used to people making fun of me, what can I say?
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    “I of course realize that many people around the country are
    concerned that an intervention in Syria would devolve into another Siege
    of Belgrade, but I can assure you that this operation will be swift,
    decisive, and will in no way resemble the Ottoman Empire’s ill-advised
    invasion of Nándorfehérvár,” Obama told the assembled White House Press
    Corps. “Our mission in Syria is fundamentally different from that of the
    Ottomans 550 years ago—there will be absolutely no boots on the ground,
    the attacks will only last for two or three days at the most, and we
    will, under no circumstances, be deploying a fleet of 200 galleys and
    300 cannons.”

    presented without comment.

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    well I am sad very very often, I hate to make that public knowledge if it weren't already.

    As for beleaguered (fuck the French and their loanwords), maybe. I'm used to people making fun of me, what can I say?

    I know. I am very sorry, and I wish that there were some way in which I could help you with that.

    I don't make fun of you. I don't like making fun of people unless they have done something really unacceptable and shown no remorse for it. You are not that kind of person.
  • edited 2013-09-04 01:07:14
    Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I get what you're saying, Sredni Vashtar, but when read while remembering that Mojave has stated multiple times he doesn't get that angry at things online/us in this case and more often just overstates things, it isn't that difficult to make something of a guess for when he is actually angry at something. To my understanding he goes for swearing and the like, rather than "I hate X" and the usual "Eeeeehh" sort of responses. Essentially, unless I'm wrong (don't mean to speak for him if it seems that way), there are differences.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
  • it's just like

  • Morgen Freeman, why you always gotta end up in Jail for!

  • well I am sad very very often, I hate to make that public knowledge if it weren't already.

    As for beleaguered (fuck the French and their loanwords), maybe. I'm used to people making fun of me, what can I say?

    I know. I am very sorry, and I wish that there were some way in which I could help you with that.

    I don't make fun of you. I don't like making fun of people unless they have done something really unacceptable and shown no remorse for it. You are not that kind of person.
    I'm aware of that on a logical level but it doesn't always translate to how I treat people.

    I only comparatively recently (let us say 2008 or so?) came out of my "I hate absolutely fucking everybody and want to kill the entire world" phase of life. I had a mostly friendless childhood except for some school buddies at a school that was closed down by a belligerent priest and a kid who lived next door that was less a friend and more of a bully I got along with for some reason.

    If I'm to be completely honest the first friend I ever had was Katrika, who I eventually alienated by being a fucking douchebag to, though I feel the need to clarify that we were on good terms the last time we spoke (which was a long time ago). I really just don't know how to treat most people except the specific handful of people I've come to call friends, and it really is just a handful. Depending on how strict a definition of "friend" I'm using, I've got anywhere from three to a dozen. That's not a lot, and they're all pretty similar folks for the most part. So sometimes I'm an idiot and don't realize it or do realize it and just don't care, so I'm sorry if I've been mean, you deserve to know I don't mean to be. I'm just stupid and awkward and a fucking loser who never mentally left 5th grade.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    You are not a loser. You are, however, extremely self-critical, and it negatively affects the way that you act. That does not make you a bad person. Please recognise that.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I really wish that I could tell you this in person.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    It's fine. If you need to let something out, let it out. I utterly disagree with you but I have no issues with rants on the whole. We all go through things, and sometimes it just happens.
  • I would probably not recognize you in person, so it would be awkward if that happened.
  • Lucyyyyyyyyy
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The best that I can help right now is


    sorry for not more. :c
  • uh, oh I'm fine

    I was responding to your Lucy comment
  • No I meant you earlier posts. :o

    And yes that is your nickname remember. :3
  • nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooo?

    I don't remember that.
  • wait was this a Leanan thing

    this sounds a lot like a Leanan thing
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
  • Spain Sun - > Spainy > Al-Andalus - > Andalucy -> Lucy
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