edited 2015-11-23 05:06:34 in General
Potato chips are greasy.  They shall be considered under a basic level of cleanliness quarantine.  They shall not be directly placed on a table or other surface that is not meant for food.  They shall be kept on a plate.

If you handle potato chips with your hands, your hands will also be subject to a similar quarantine on what they are allowed to touch, until you wipe them thoroughly with a napkin or wash them.  Preferably wash them with soap.

If you wipe your hands on your clothes, your clothes will also be subject to a similar quarantine until you wipe them or wash them.

If you touch the keyboard, mouse, papers, etc. with them, then they will also be subject to a similar quarantine, which means that I will switch to pyro and use the degreaser on them and then turn the axtinguisher on you.

Oh, and Pringles are still greasy.
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