IJBM: Making Fun of Donald Trump's Hair

edited 2015-10-01 23:31:08 in General
As far as I can tell, this has never been funny. Plus, I feel like making fun of someone's physical appearance is pretty petty and childish. I really wish people did not do that.


  • "But if we didn't make fun of his hair, what other aspect of Donald Trump could we possibly make fun of?"
  • jokes about Donald Trump blind people to the fact that Donald Trump is dangerous.

    his hair is pretty ridiculous but lots of people have had ridiculous hair
  • jokes about Donald Trump blind people to the fact that Donald Trump is dangerous.

    his hair is pretty ridiculous but lots of people have had ridiculous hair
    Actually, Jokes about Donald Trump remove the idea that he is serious, which for actually dangerous people this is threat.

    But Donald Trump is trying to be a political figure. taking the "serious" out of him is in fact trying to invalidate him as a candidate for presidency. 
  • Because he's a wealthy white dude who can take a few hits
  • BeeBee
    edited 2015-10-02 04:49:23
    For most people I'd agree, but when the person being made fun of is also a petty, childish, psychopathic, racist ideologue and corporate shill on top of it I lose any sympathy I had.

    Also the caterpillar was funny.
  • Bee said:

    For most people I'd agree, but when the person being made fun of is also a petty, childish, psychopathic, racist ideologue and corporate shill on top of it I lose any sympathy I had.

    Also the caterpillar was funny.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    The only thing that bugs me about harping on Trump's hair is that there are SO many other things about him that are even more worthy of mockery.
  • Oddly enough I haven't seen many Trump's hair jokes since he declared.

    I would still get a chuckle out of them though. It's like adding insult to insult.
  • LWLW
    edited 2015-10-02 18:15:12

    Honestly, it does not matter to me how bad people think a person is, making fun of their physical appearance is just uncalled for.

    If we want people to not judge others based on what they look like, I think we should just quit making these types of jokes altogether. The idea of "acceptable targets" does not make a whole lot of sense to me; if you think someone is being rude or mean to others, imitating their behavior and being rude and mean back is not exactly going to make things better. I would much rather people just be the better person and not succomb to such pettiness.
  • I've been thinking about this thinkpiece, actually. 

    I don't approve of making fun of people's physical appearances under most circumstances either, but in this case it's not "stooping to his level" - there's a big gap between making fun of someone's appearance and saying the things Trump says. 

    And "being rude and mean back" is rather difficult when we can't (I presume) interact directly with him. Not like we're saying this to his face, get what I mean?
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